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Compare GarageBand VS Logic Pro X | – Get up to speed. At your own speed.
Live Loops is a dynamic way to create and arrange music in real time. Kick off your composition by adding loops, samples, or your recorded performances into a grid of cells.
Trigger different cells to play with your ideas without worrying about a timeline or arrangement. Once you find combinations that work well together you can create song sections, then move everything into the Tracks area to continue production and finish your song. Logic Pro expands your creative options with a vast range of professional tools to make and shape sounds — diverse and versatile synths, customizable real and electronic drum kits, an amazing collection of MIDI and audio effect plug-ins, and tons of additional loops.
Create and tweak sounds for Drummer or your beat tracks with over additional drum kit pieces and sound-shaping Smart Controls. The most advanced sample-manipulating synthesizer plug-in on the market, with a 14GB sound library and powerfully intuitive Performance Controls. High-end reverb lets you add space and depth to tracks by simulating a wide range of real and unnatural acoustic spaces.
Logic Pro gives you loads of features, including precise tools and take folders, to help fine-tune your performances and organize them into a complete song. Quickly adjust the pitch of individual notes or come up with entirely new melodies. Hit Record and play as many times as you want to get your best performances. You can see and preview them all, and easily audition the best takes to assemble the perfect part. Take control and easily navigate projects of any size — from your demo track to an orchestral film score multitrack.
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