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Avid Media Composer – Download for PC Free

This add-on service for Avid NEXIS provides a super-simple way to park projects in the cloud, as well as sync onsite workspaces for easy offsite backup. Get extensive touch and tactile control to speed up audio recording, editing, and mixing tasks in Media Composer. Get the speed and visual feedback of Avid’s high-end consoles in a slimline surface. Avid S1 works together with the free Avid Control app on your tablet, providing 8 faders, plus Avid S6-style metering and processing views, to create great-sounding mixes fast.
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Get up and running fast, with tutorials for new Media Composer users, as well as for Premiere Pro and Final Cut editors. Avid product expert Michael Krulik walks you through some of the new features of the Media Composer Organize your bins with background colors, sizes, and arrangements to ease your video workflow.
Learn how to customize your workspaces for editing, coloring, effects, and audio layouts. Media Composer has an option for everyone, from students to high-level post-production teams and broadcasters. Compare versions. Get Started. Learn More. Contact Sales Shop. Overview Overview. Buy now. Open Search. Jump to:. Media Composer First Create with powerful free video editing software. Media Composer Get the standard for independent video editors.
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Avid media composer download free full version. However, if you have already edited the clip into a sequence, the version in the sequence will continue to display in the manner that it was set in when it was first edited into the sequence. This is to prevent changes being applied to the sequences that are considered complete and ready to export or master to tape.
If you want to update all the instances of the clip in your sequence to use the new Reformat setting, this can be done without having to re-edit the clip s. Follow the next set of steps:. From the submenu select Reformatting Options. See the next section for details. Below are the Reformat options that are available along with the explanation of each.
Stretch : If the Project is set to display , then a image will be stretched vertically. If the Project is set to display , then a image will be stretched horizontally. If the Project is set to display , then a image will be letterboxed black bars on the top and bottom. If the Project is set to display , then a image will be Pillarboxed black columns on the left and right-hand side of the screen. Center Crop : No scaling occurs in this option.
If the project is set to display , then a image will have the left and right hand side portions of the image cropped. If the project is set to display , then a image will have the top and bottom portions cropped. Center Keep Size : If the image is larger, when it is centered in the window, portions of the image on all the sides may be cropped.
If the image is smaller, then its native size will be displayed and black color will appear around it. Note that not all formats support multiple aspect ratio displays. Here are two methods that are available:. Method 2: Right-click in either the Source Window or the Record Window and select Project Aspect Ratio , and then select the desired display from the submenu.
Consolidating copying is a process done by using the Media Composer software. It is not done by simply copying the files at the desktop level. The Consolidation process specified in this recipe can be used either before you have begun to edit or at any stage during editing. What you’ll be doing is making copies of your AMA files in their entirety. If you’ve already begun to edit, the sequence will link to the copied media rather than the AMA media.
Before consolidating all of your files, it is highly recommended that you perform a small-scale test of the process to familiarize yourself with additional options and results.
The steps below focus on only one specific result. The AMA linking feature can be very processor intensive, and Avid recommends that users Consolidate the media into what they refer to as the Managed Media environment which means the Avid MediaFiles folder as soon as is practical, in order to take advantage of faster processing and a linking architecture that is more mature and robust than AMA.
Some formats cannot be Consolidated copied using their original Codec, and Media Composer will alert you that they will also need to have their Codec changed during the copy process. This is referred to as Transcoding. Ideally, you would transcode your Master Clips prior to doing any editing, though there is a process available in case you have already started to edit.
If you want to Consolidate only the shorter portions of media that are being used by a sequence or subclips, rather than the entire Master Clip media, see the recipe titled Consolidating an AMA sequence or subclips. For example, you’ve initially linked to the low-resolution version of the media for editing and now you’d like to change the link to the high-resolution version for Consolidating.
If this applies to you, then follow the next set of steps; otherwise, proceed to the How to do it… section:. Do not enable the selection that says Delete media files when done.
In the case of AMA linked media files, they will not be deleted even if this is selected. Select the second option that reads Relink Master Clips to media on target drive. This option also includes some helpful text that reads Selected Master Clips will be relinked to the new media on the target drive.
Master Clips with a. In this case, the original media refers to the AMA linked files. Click on OK and the Consolidate copy process begins. Some formats cannot be Consolidated copied using their original codec. Media Composer will alert you that they will also need to have their codec changed during the copy process, or you may wish to change the codec when you copy the media.
Before you Transcode all of your files, it is highly recommended that you perform a small test of the process to familiarize yourself with any additional options and results.
Additional options include, but are not limited to, Debayer Settings found in the Media Creation settings for RED footage, which also need to be configured. Ideally, it is best if you are able to perform your small-scale test prior to receiving the mission-critical files and prior to the intensity of working under a deadline.
As the title of this recipe suggests, the next set of steps would be used before editing and will focus on only one specific result. For example, you’ve initially linked to the low-resolution version of the media for editing and now you’d like to change the link to the high-resolution version for Transcoding.
If this applies to you, then perform the following steps, or, if this does not apply to you, then proceed to the paragraph that follows these steps:.
If you are Transcoding Standard Definition video to High Definition or vice versa, then you’ll want to ensure the highest quality result using the next set of steps. If this does not apply to you, then proceed to the How to do it From the Project window, select the Settings tab and double-click on Render Settings. In the Project window select the Format tab.
Avid states: New clips created through the Transcode operation are in the Project Format. When you Transcode a clip across formats, for example if you Transcode a clip in a project, the Reformat bin setting determines how the clip is conformed to the new format. For details on the Reformat option, see the recipe Getting the AMA file’s image to display as desired. Transcoding cannot increase the quality of the image. For example, if your footage came from a MiniDV tape the resolution is DV25 and you transcoded it to a resolution of uncompressed , the new file will take up more space on your hard drive but will not look any better.
On the other hand, if you transcoded to , then the file will be compressed and the image quality will be reduced. Before Transcoding all of your files after editing has begun, it is a very good idea to perform a small-scale test of the process to familiarize yourself with any additional options and results. Additional options include, but are not limited to, Debayer settings found in the Media Creation settings for RED footage, which also need to be configured. Ideally, you would be able to perform your small-scale test before receiving the mission-critical files and prior to the intensity and pressure of working under a deadline.
So, you’ll have to make the sequence link to the new Master Clips with a process called Relinking. The steps given in the How to do it Go to Clip menu Relink. You may also right-click on the selected sequence.
At the bottom of the window, make sure to enable the check box that says Create new sequence and click on OK. At the completion of this process, a new sequence will be created with the text Relinked at the end.
This sequence is now linked to the Transcoded clips. If you load the sequence into the Timeline , you’ll see that the clip names will also have the. Before consolidating a sequence, it is very highly recommended that you perform a small test of the process on an unimportant sequence to familiarize yourself with additional options and results.
The steps of this recipe focus on only one specific result. Consolidating a sequence or subclips simply means you’ll be making copies of only the portions of media files that are being referred to by your sequence or by the subclips. Essentially, Media Composer will take each shot used in the sequence, or each subclip, and make a brand new Master Clip for it. You’ll have the option to add handles. Handles are helpful in case, after Consolidating, you need to do some trimming within a sequence or need to add a transition effect like a dissolve.
You’ll also have the option to delete the original media after the Consolidate copy process is completed. Deleting the original source media would be helpful with a sequence if you had completed all of your editing and wanted to save drive space, or with subclips, if before you began editing you only wanted to keep portions of Master Clips. On the other hand, one use of not deleting the original media would be if you wanted to give a coworker a copy of your sequence or a portion of a clip to work with.
Before consolidating a sequence, it is always a very smart idea to make a backup copy of the sequence and place it into its own well-labeled bin for example, My Movie Before Consolidate. This extra version will not only protect you in case you make an error, but will help keep your project organized for future reference not to mention bring you additional peace of mind.
In the upper left-hand corner of the window, select Consolidate. In the Handle Length entry box, enter the number of frames you want added to the head and tail of each new Master Clip. If you are Consolidating a sequence, be sure to select the Create new sequence check box. Even though I suggested earlier that you make a backup copy manually prior to the consolidate process, this provides an additional layer of protection.
For the Delete original media files when done choice, my instruction here will be to not select this check box. In other words, I am instructing you to not delete the original media files after Media Composer has completed making copies of just the portions of media that are being used by your sequence or subclips.
If you do indeed want to delete the original media, then you would select this option. Click on the Consolidate button at the bottom of the window. Master Clips that have the extension. The duration of each Master Clip will be only whatever it is in the sequence or subclip, plus the added duration of the handles.
A new sequence with the addition of. Consolidated at the end. This sequence is linked to the. In the case of subclips, Media Composer creates new Master Clips that are the total duration including handles as well the as new subclips that are the duration of the original subclips.
Before Transcoding a sequence, it is recommended that you carry out a small test of the process to familiarize yourself with additional options and results. These additional options include, but are not limited to, Debayer settings found in the Media Creation settings for RED footage, which also need to be configured.
The steps that follow focus on only one specific result. Some formats cannot be Consolidated copied using their original codec, and Media Composer will alert you that they will also need to have their codec also known as resolution changed during the copy process.
Transcoding a sequence simply means that you’ll be making copies of only the portions of the media files that are being referred to by your sequence. Essentially, Media Composer will take each shot used in the sequence and make a brand new Master Clip for it.
Further, as it generates new media files, it will also be changing the media files’ codec. Unlike Consolidating, Transcoding does not offer the option to delete the original media files after it has completed the Transcoding process.
Before Transcoding a sequence, it is a very wise idea to first make a backup copy and place it in its own well-labeled bin for example, My Movie Before Transcode. This extra version protects you in case you make an error, and will help to keep your project organized for future reference.
First, review the information presented earlier in this chapter, in the Transcoding AMA Master Clips before beginning to edit recipe. In the Project Window select the Format tab. New clips created through the Transcode operation are in the project format. When you transcode a clip across formats, for example if you transcode a clip in a project, the Reformat bin setting determines how the clip is conformed to the new format.
For details on the Reformat option, see the Getting the AMA file’s image to display as desired recipe. Be sure to select the Create new sequence check box. Even though I suggested earlier that you make a backup copy manually prior to the Transcode process, this provides an additional layer of protection.
Click on the Transcode button at the bottom of the window. The duration of each clip will be whatever it is in the sequence plus the added duration of the handles. Transcoded at the end. We’re often given still images in formats such as. Further, there will be instances when you’ll need to import a QuickTime file rather than AMA link to it. For example, you’ve been given a motion graphic that contains an Alpha Channel transparency information that is meant to be composited on top of video.
AMA linking will not recognize the Alpha Channel, so you must import it. See Avid Media Composer Help for additional information. The search term is BWF. What does Avid Media Composer mean when it uses the term Import? In Media Composer, Import means that new media is created during the import process. The format of the media created is dictated by the settings in your Project Window’s Format tab. The resolution is dictated in your Media Creation settings. For comparison, Adobe After Effects also uses the term import, except that in its case it is only pointing linking to the file rather than making new media as Media Composer does.
If you want to animate within a still image often referred to as The Ken Burns Effect , you will most likely not want to import the image since that restricts the image size to that of your current format, which would mean having to scale the image up in order to pan and tilt across it.
Scaling up reduces the quality of the image. You may also want to investigate other plug-ins available for this effect from the Marketplace menu. Organize your files. Some suggestions are in the A strategy for Project organization at the desktop level recipe, earlier in this chapter.
Project Window Format tab. Open the Media Creation settings using any of these methods:. Tools menu Media Creation. Project Window Settings tab, and then double-click on Media Creation. In the Media Creation window select the Import tab. Click on OK to close the Media Creation window. In the Import Settings window, click on the Image tab.
In the Image tab, you’ll select the appropriate options for your situation. A brief explanation of these options is in the There’s more… section that follows this recipe of steps. Click on the OK button to close the Import Settings window.
Method 1: Drag the file s from their location on a drive directly into a bin. All the settings you previously set will dictate how the media will be created and on which drive the media will be stored.
Once you drop the files into the bin, both the Master Clips and media will be created. Layered Photoshop files will open an additional dialog window. Those options are discussed after the There’s more… section that follows this recipe. Method 2: Select an open bin. Then, either right-click within the bin and select Import from the Contextual menu or go to the File menu and select Import.
Be aware that when using Method 2, note that in the Select Files To Import window you will have the ability to do the following:. Click on the Options button to access the Import Settings. In the Select Files To Import window, navigate to the file s you want to import. The Import Settings window can be a bit confusing, so let’s go over the options in the Image tab.
This selection relates to how the image will be scaled during the import:. Image sized for current format : This means that the file is the same frame size as the video format you are using. In other words:.
On the other hand, if your project is DV and your graphic is x , then Media Composer will remove crop the extra six lines.
By either padding or cropping, it means that your image will not be subtly distorted. Do not resize smaller images : Images smaller than your video format will not be resized and will appear in the center of the frame. Images with an Alpha channel will have a transparent area surrounding them while those without will have black surrounding them. Resize image to fit format raster : Whether larger or smaller, the image will be scaled to fit within your video format’s size.
If your image is longer horizontally, then it will be scaled until it reaches the left and right edges of the frame. If your image is longer vertically, then it will be scaled until it reaches the top and bottom edges of the frame. Any remaining areas will be filled with black.
Note that if your release of Media Composer is not allowing this to work within a 16 x 9 SD project, the workaround is to switch to an HD format, import, and then switch back. This section relates to how the luminance brightness and the chrominance will be interpreted during the import:.
Selecting this option tells Media Composer to adjust the image during the import so it fits properly into the broadcast levels. Specifically, the darkest value in the graphic is mapped to the level of video black for your video format and the brightest value is mapped to the level of video white. All other values are adjusted proportionately. If the file has fine gradients and you notice there is banding in the final imported image, try this.
The extra operation it performs adds some noise dithering that may help to reduce or hide the banding. For files created in other applications, such as Photoshop or After Effects, this will be infrequent. The following are the additional selections within the Import dialog window:.
Frame Import Duration : When you import a still image, you can tell Media Composer how long you’d like the duration of the Master Clip to be. Media Composer will only create a frame or two which Avid calls a Slide of actual media, so you can set any duration you like without worrying that the media will take up a lot of drive space.
This simply instructs Media Composer to refer to the “slide” over and over again for the duration that you specify. Autodetect Sequentially-Numbered Files : Choose this option if you are given a folder containing many files where each represents one frame for example, of an animation. They’ll be numbered in order sequentially. During import you would select only the first file in the folder not all the files. Media Composer will then automatically look for file number two, then file number three, and so on autodetection.
When the import is completed, Media Composer will have assembled all the files frames into one single Master Clip. Be sure to leave this option deselected if you are not importing sequentially-numbered files for the purpose of assembling them into a single Master Clip upon import. Field Ordering in File : This is not to be confused with Field Dominance ; these options only apply to interlaced video formats.
If your video format is progressive, these options will not be displayed.
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Open the Bin Column Selection window using any of the following methods:.