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This article applies to: Software Licensing. If you had been using Acrobat Pro without signing in and are now being prompted to do so, you may have been using an earlier version of Acrobat Pro that had been activated under a Device License.
Adobe no longer offers Device Licensing, and all of our old Serial Numbers have expired. We recommend that you work with your local department’s IT support team to update the version of Acrobat Pro DC that’s installed on your computer, and to obtain an individual Named-User license.
With it, you can open, create, and edit documents in PDF format. This license is available to Cornell University staff and faculty who have a business need for the software. Eligible Cornell employees will be granted a Named-User license for Acrobat Pro on an individual, as-need basis. This license is funded centrally, and there is no cost to the individual customer. Holley Center. The Weill Cornell Medical College has its own independent license agreement for Adobe products, and is not covered by this license.
Students at Cornell University are not covered by Acrobat Pro Named-User licensing, and may not receive individual access rights to the software.
While there is no fee for the license, eligible customers must have a Cornell business need to use the software.
Determination of whether an individual has a business need is left to the individual’s department. License approval can take up to 5 business days. Most requests are approved by the next business day. Adobe Acrobat Pro licenses are assigned only at departmental request. If you need an Acrobat Pro license, please ask your local departmental Technical Support Provider TSP or your manager to submit a request for a license on your behalf.
Your manager or TSP can then submit the request via email to: cusoftware cornell. After your application has been approved, Adobe will send you a confirmation that you have been added to the license. Do not use the same password that you use for your NetID. If you need to access to Acrobat Pro immediately, you may use it under Adobe’s seven-day trial license. Most end-users do not have sufficient access rights to install Acrobat Pro DC without the assistance of local IT support. If you had been using Acrobat Pro XI or earlier, please upgrade to the current release at your earliest convenience.
You may have any two installations activated under your Adobe ID at a time, meaning that they will not prompt for sign-in at launch.
You may have Acrobat Pro DC open on any one computer at a time. If you need to use Acrobat Pro DC on a third computer, you will be prompted to remotely sign out of other locations. To install Acrobat Pro DC onto a computer that is your personal property, you can download an installer directly from Adobe.
How can we help? Search IT Cornell Go. Many people will find that they can work with PDFs using only free tools, although some advanced features can only be found in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Software Licensing Articles see all.
When you install Microsoft software, you generally need to provide a Microsoft product key. Adobe Acrobat Pro Licensing. If you had been using Acrobat Pro without signing in and are now being prompted to do so, you may have been using an If you are not a Technical Service Provider, please see our Adobe Licensing Summary.
Student Instructional Licensing CIT can provide individual Creative Cloud instructional licenses to students who have an academic need for the software. This license is granted on a Eligibility for Microsoft Campus Agreement. Full overview of the Microsoft Campus This information relates only to Office ProPlus installations of Office which allows Cornell faculty, students, and staff to install Office on up to five personally owned devices Microsoft Academic Select Licensing.
Microsoft Academic Select is a software purchasing agreement that provides Cornell faculty and staff access to most Microsoft software not covered under our Microsoft Campus Agreement Site License Microsoft Campus Agreement for Cornell.
Products covered by the Campus Agreement can be downloaded at no cost by Microsoft Licensed Software Support. Microsoft Office for Faculty and Staff. Faculty and staff at Cornell University are eligible for several different options for Microsoft Office. Some of these options are available at no cost, while others require payment of a licensing Microsoft Office for Students.
Students at Cornell University are eligible for several different options for Microsoft Office. Some of these options are available at no cost, while others require payment of a licensing fee Microsoft Office Licensing. At this time, we recommend that Cornell faculty and staff use the Office Pro Plus edition of Microsoft Office for their Cornell-provided and personally-owned computers.
Office ProPlus for Faculty and Staff. The university is low on Office A3 licenses, and some new employees may not automatically receive them.
These accounts can’t get Office ProPlus. If this happens and the Office ProPlus for Students. Acrobat Reader is a free download from Fetch Licensing. Fetch is a file transfer client for Macintosh. Licensing Cornell University no longer maintains a site license for Fetch. If you had been using Fetch, we Symantec Ghost Solution Suite Licensing. Symantec Ghost is a tool used for disk imaging and deployment. CU Software Licensing offers maintenance licensing for this product.
The latest release is version 3. Was this page helpful? Your feedback helps improve the site. Yes No. To share feedback about this page, log in with your NetID. Need assistance with an IT Cornell service? Contact the Service Desk instead.
Adobe Acrobat DC Reviews, Demo & Pricing –
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