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20467 designing business intelligence solutions with microsoft sql server 2014 free download

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20467 designing business intelligence solutions with microsoft sql server 2014 free download.20467-Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Reserve Your Seat! View All Courses. This course teaches students how to implement self-service Business Intelligence BI and Big Data analysis solutions using the Microsoft data platform. This course requires that you meet the following prerequisites: Knowledge of data warehousing and data modeling principles and familiarity with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SharePoint Server The primary audience for this course 20467 designing business intelligence solutions with microsoft sql server 2014 free download database and business intelligence BI professionals who are familiar with data warehouses and enterprise BI solutions built with SQL Server technologies.
Experienced data analysts who want to learn how to use Microsoft technologies for self-service analysis and reporting will also benefit /36889.txt attending this course.
Want to try before you buy? Length Days: 5 Length Hours: 40 Prerequisites This course requires that you meet the following prerequisites: Knowledge of data warehousing and data modeling principles and familiarity with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SharePoint Server Target Audience The primary audience for this course is database and business intelligence BI professionals who are familiar with data warehouses and enterprise BI solutions built with SQL Server technologies.
Phone Number. Sessions you’re interested in:. Inquire Now. Free Course Audit Want по этой ссылке try before you buy?