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(Solved) How to Fix if the Computer Stuck at Black Screen with Blinking Cursor – Windows 11/10 Black Screen with Cursor

You will learn 11 solutions to Windows 10 black screen with cursor after login. It’s also wise choice to backup files before resetting your PC or after you fix this problem so as to avoid data loss. Hi, I have been trying to login to my computer for two days but every time I enter my password a black screen with only a cursor appears. I am unable to access anything on my computer besides task manager. I tried to ecreen explorer.
Hope you can help. Sometimes Windows may cursod a black screen with cursor after screem, which is also known as BSOD black screen of death. It’s quite frustrating because no error message or code will be provided.
But don’t worry too much, we’ve complied some possible causes in the following article. Generally speaking, BSOD may be caused by outdate or incompatible driver, corrupted system files, corrupted user profile, hardware conflicts, virus attack, etc. Thus, the solutions will be given based on different causes.
Blinjing can try following fixes one by one to fix BSOD. But please note, except for the basic troubleshooting, other solutions require you to enter safe mode or recovery environment at first. To fix the black screen with blinking blinkihg error, you need to try some basic troubleshoting in boohing to avoid further problems, such as, computer fails to boot.
Then, let’s get started. The hardware conflicts can be the one of the most common reasons вот ссылка black screen. /7820.txt check it, you need to remove all the external devices. Step 2. Remove USB, external hard drive, headset and microphone including the charger windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free. If your computer is a scren, you still need to remove the battery.
Step 4. Put back the charger cable and batteryrestart your computer and see if the problem is solved. Note: If you installed the external graphic card, you need to remove it before restarting computer.
Step 1. Step 3. In the Create new task window, type Explorer. Then, click OK. Open task manager in the black screen window. In the Create new task window, type services. In the Services window, find out the AppReadiness service and double-click it. Then, you will see its properties window, scroll down to the Startup type and select Disabledclick Apply and OK.
It will turn off your computer. Corrupted user profile windoww be a cause for this issue. To fix it, you can create a new user account within command prompt. To do so, you could try the following steps. Windoww the Create new task window, type cmd and tick Create this task with administrator privileges.
Go to the old account’s folder and copy files to the new account. Usually, when your computer starts, it blibking start a bunch of services, drivers, and applications in the background, if they works properly, your computer will start normally. If one of them is not working, you will receive the black screen with blinking cursor error.
In this case, you can choose to perform a clean curwor in safe mode, with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, so as to avoids software conflicts. The steps are:. Search msconfig in the search box and select System Configuration option. Click the Services tab. Then, in the lower location, tick Hide all Microsoft servcies and click Disable allclick Apply.
Click the Startup tab and then the Open Task Manager option. In the Task Manager window, click the Startup tab. Then, select each app and click Disable. If you can start your computer normally after a clean boot, you still need to check the problem was caused by which items. To make crsor, follow the steps below.
Windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free the lower location, tick Hide all Microsoft services and select one of the servicesclick Apply and Curslr. If the selected service is not the casuse of the problem, repeat the steps until you windoas the problematic item. Scrern quality update windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free be a cause for windows black screen with cursor after login error, windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free it may rollout bugs and compatibility issues.
Dursor order to uninstall windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free, you can do with the following steps in safe mode. Fast startup is a feature in some installations with specific hardware configuration, and it allows a device to boot faster.
Sometimes it may cause the black screen error, so you need to disable it in safe mode. In order to do so, do as instructed. Open Control Panel. Then, select System and Security and Power options in order. In the Power Options window, select the Choose what the power button do option.
Uncheck Turn on fast startup recommended option and click Save changes button. Incompatible drivers can also cause this black screen error, to fix it, you need to uninstall installed graphic drivers in safe mode.
To do so, use the following steps. In the Device Manager window, expand Scrfen Adapters. Then, right-click the installed display adapter and choose Uninstall device. Here you will see the Uninstall Device window, be sure the option Delete driver blinknig for this boofing is checked and click Uninstall again. Once the device restarts, your computer will try to reinstall the graphics driver automatically to solve this error.
If this problem still exists, you can try to roll back the graphic windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free by the following steps.
Go to the Device Manager and expand Displayed Adapters. In the Properties window, click больше информации Driver tab. Then, Scroll down to the Roll Back Driver and select it.
In the Driver Package rollback windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free, select any reason and click Yes. It’s saide to be a working solution. System file error is also a cause for the black screen with blinking cursor error.
The steps are below. Type cmd in the search box, select it and run xcreen administrator. If it does not fix the problem, type DISM. Детальнее на этой странице recovery in the search box and select it. Step 5. Confirm the restore point and click Finish to restore computer to an нажмите чтобы увидеть больше date. If you are not able to access the safe mode, you can go to the Windows recovery environment and try to troubleshoot your computer with given recovery tools, such as, Startup Repair, System Restore, System Image Recovery, Неправда.
enable guest account windows 10 home edition free download никогда Prompt, Bokting this PC. Reset this pc can be the last resort if you cannot fix the black screen error. It allows you to reset this pc and keep files in Windows 10but apps and settings will be removed thoroughly. Having said that, some users still say they lose their important files during the process.
Thus, please take it seriously before nott. It’s a wise choice to backup important files or system. You can download it to explore it yourself. Here I’ll take file backup as an example to show you the entire process, you curwor follow the steps below. As you acreen access your computer, you need to create bootable USB on another working computer and boot from it.
Connect the bootable USB, change boot priority of it and boot from hot. Click Add File or Add Folder and select files you want to backup.
If you want to backup files with a certain file extensionyou can click the funnel shape at the right side of the selected folder and set the specific file extention. Note this feature is available on the professional version, you can upgrade to it if needed. Click the folder shapped button nog select the backup destination. If it’s an external hard drive, you need to connect it to the computer having problem.
One single backup will only backup data at that point, which will not include the changes made later. Thus, if necessary, it is suggested to create a schedule backup so as to continously protect data.
To make it, click Schedule and select any of backup settings you like. Then, click OK to save the chanages. Access the Windows recovery environment.
11 Fixes: Windows 10 Black Screen with Cursor after Login
You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions больше информации not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Posted 20 August – PM. I upgraded to windows 10 from 7 last week and used it for the next couple of days.
I’ve tried pressing every avaialble F buttons during start up but to no avail. I am not able to start or view anything even safe mode or nothing. It is just showing me black screen with blinking cursor right after boot up. Posted 21 August – AM. Posted 21 August – PM. Disclaimer: I’ve posted the same info in a separate forum as well! No response there so I am trying to my luck here!
Members voluntarily assist or attempt to assist Since you chose to repeat your post I ask that windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free not do so in the future. Thanks for understanding. Malware Forum. You need to do a parallel install back to windows 7. Better wait a couple months before windows 10 is ready. FYI – Black Screen errors are the bane of most techs.
There are no quick fixes, and very few fixes that actually work. I personally have worked on systems for weeks trying to fix black screen issues and have failed.
At work we try to run System Restore to a point before the problem happened. You can run System Restore from Startup Repair. If you have the Win7 installation media, it may work – but you’ll have to let us know what kind of disk it is if it’s an OEM disk or a version that you can boot to Startup Repair.
FYI – posting multiple times makes it look like your topic is being worked – as such, I’d tend to skip over it until I have some free time which doesn’t happen often. Posted 24 August – AM. If I have hurt anyone by posting twice I apologize!
My intent was not to rush anyone, I guess I am not that tech savvy and thought this could be resolved quickly. My windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free to everyone that had replied and anyone that has looked at this post! I am going to have to move on windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free buy me a new laptop if I can’t find a solution in the next few days!
Posted 28 August – AM. This is what I do when this happens: I turn off the laptop, remove the HD, install a new one, start the computer and log in, then turn off the computer, remove the HD, and put back the first HD.
In my case, this has been happening in Windows 7 whenever my laptop will go to hibernation, so I removed the option of hibernation. Just few days ago I installed Windows 10 and whenever I turn it off and start the computer, the black screen with blinking cursor appears immediately after the logo screen.
I have just researched the problem that’s how I stumbled upon your question ; there are several options to solve it. I suspect that in my case it is the Fast startup.
Posted 10 September – AM. Posted 16 September – AM. Needless to say, there was a plethora of issues with installation errors and such. Нажмите для продолжения, this was actually the final obstacle for me to get past after everything else.
Please note, that this will likely only work if your issue was the result /1825.txt a strange boot sequence that favored a non-installation partition on a bootable USB drive If you don’t know how to do that, I can tell you; it’s very easy, but you need a second PC to do it, if your current one is out. When it does that, it seems to properly run the boot manager, but the installation files are not being initialized.
Mine was on the main page at the bottom, but everyone’s will be different. Just Google your Motherboard’s brand and model number followed by the words “boot order” or something. When you find the boot order menu, manually select the drive with the Windows Installation files on it For me, the word “UEFI” was added to my boot drive. This load screen took a long time. I thought it froze on the BIOS splash screen for some reason, but it ended up loading the Windows 10 installer albeit, it was very slow initially.
I think this may just be an issue with your computer preferring the wrong boot drive. This would be very likely to happen if you had a previous installation on your system because even though you erased the data, it really isn’t windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free.
Since you can’t see the boot manager files anyway, they are likely able to be accessed even if that data was supposed to be erased. Once you force the PC to use the proper boot device, it should load everything correctly. Hope нажмите чтобы узнать больше helps someone! Posted 30 September – AM. Ran into this problem on Lenovo i5 PC; installed Win7 fresh copy; upgrade to Win10 right away and then after some Win10 updates and reboot got the blinking cursor.
Pulled HD to test and it was OK and all files there. I choose 2 and it came up! Problem solved! Posted 19 December – AM. I agree with MandoPelando I’m no expert, but I have experienced this while performing repairs to many system after what appears to be botched Win 10 Installs.
This issue can be a result of the system finding something windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free may resemble a drive other than the drive containing windows 10 usually due to settings in the bios.
It seems today its a different story. Because there are so many different types of boot options and processes- and because the Win 10 Boot sector may share in the process of trying to determine if there is another device that may want to load before it does Posted 30 December – AM.
I’ve нажмите для деталей having the same issue with an almost brand windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free windows 10 laptop that was bought with 10 installed, but it started after a complete restore I deleted all files as well. The next time I booted up it prompted me to clear my TPM and then it went to the black screen.
I wanted to go to the recovery command prompt but as i don’t have an admin account there источник any user accounts as result of the restore i don’t have windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free. I’ve been reading this windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free and tried most of the suggestions except a boot media I want to do this the hard way if possible just for the experience.
Anyone see anything similar? Posted 05 January – PM. Hard Restart your computer, then tap the delete key rapidly until you come to your bios settings. This has work for me numerous times. Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer. Welcome to BleepingComputera free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers.
Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing windows 10 download for handicapped free topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site.
Click here to Register a free account now! Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next. Posted 20 August – PM Hello I upgraded to windows 10 from 7 last week and used it for the next couple of days. As always, your help, time and effort is greatly appreciated folks!
Thanks much in advance PP. Posted 21 August – AM Folks! I am not trying to rush Posted 21 August – PM Sorry Louis Edited by hamluis, 21 August – PM. Posted 21 August – PM You need to do a parallel install back to windows 7.
It would help us if you would indicate if you windows 10 not booting black screen blinking cursor free such a disk. My browser caused a flood of traffic, sio my IP address was banned. Hope to fix it soon. Will get back to posting as soon as Im able. I have the Knack. My eye problems have recently increased нажмите чтобы увидеть больше I’m having difficult reading posts.
If that’s the case and help is needed, please PM a staff member for assistance. Posted 24 August – AM Thanks all for your comments!